12 Books That Will Rock Your World & Change Your Life

books that will change your life

Knowledge is power and most knowledge comes from books. That’s why I’ve decided to give you a little run down of 12 books that will rock your world and change your life.

entrepreneurial books

#GIRLBOSS – Sophia Amorusa

There’s a reason it’s on the NY Times Bestseller’s List. It’s that freaking good. #GIRLBOSS will inspire you and give you that extra push you need to go after your dreams. Whatever seemed impossible before this book, is made possible after this book. It’s reallllllllly worth your reading.

Money: Master the Game – Tony Robbins

Tony conducted 4 years of intense research for this book. He interviewed the best of the best; some of the wealthiest people in the world, to get their money making secrets and it’s only a click away. He even came up with an app to help you line up a financial plan that works. Marie Forleo said this book changed her life.

The Four-Hour Work Week – Tim Ferris

Another Bestseller. I will never look at “work” the same way. I am completely transformed into a 4 Hour Work Week advocate. I can’t believe people strive for anything else. The insight you learn in this book is outstanding and will totally blow your mind.

The One Thing – Gary Keller

The One Thing inspired me to get my ish together, for real. It has completely changed the way I manage my time and business, (more on that here). I mean this guy created the #1 Real Estate franchise in the world, (Keller Williams), and it is a national bestseller, how could you not read this book?

self-development books

A Return to Love – Marianne Williamson

A Return to Love transformed the way I live my life and my thoughts about any supposedly bad situation. I should actually really read it again as a reminder. After reading this book I was the most calm, empathetic, and authentic person I have ever been. I saw people, things, and life in a completely new way. If everyone read this book war and hate would never be an option.

Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior – David Hawkins

This is probably the most intense book I’ve ever read. You will learn how to conduct a lie detector test, muscle testing, and basically you’ll feel like a genius and walk around holding the secret to life. It is intriguing and enlightening.

You’ll See It When You Believe It – Wayne Dyer

I made magic happen after reading this Wayne Dyer must-have. Ever heard of synchronicity? You will in this book. It’s a very powerful thing.

Add More ~ING to Your Life: A Hip Guide to Happiness – Gabrielle Bernstein

This is where it all started for me and my affinity for Gabrielle Bernstein. She is my soul sister and my lifestyle completely changed after reading Add More ~ING. I started running, got an Urban Rebounder, became a yogi, meditated, and created my blog. It’s great. She’s great. Enough said.

inspirational books

The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

This is the #1 International Bestselling Book in the world! I can’t even begin to explain how enchanting and inspiring this book is. You will feel like you can take on the world and make every one of your dreams come true. It is brilliant.

The Last Lecture – Randy Pausch

You will laugh, you will cry. But most importantly you will be left questioning your priorities and devaluing a new car. You’ll realize just how big your “problems” really are. Randy’s story is beautiful and mesmerizing.

love/relationship books

The 5 Love Languages – Gary Chapman

If you’re single, married, on the verge of a divorce or breakup this book is for you. Seriously. I’ve never read a more groundbreaking book on relationships, (another NY Times Bestseller). The 5 Love Languages will save your life and transform the way you love. It has 100% changed the way I approached relationships. It is so applicable I use it for my friendships, too.

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man – Steve Harvey

Similar to He’s Just Not That Into You in that there’s no sugar coating on how to land a guy and keep him. I love that it’s written by a man too so we get to see what it’s like on the other side. If you want to be the “cool girl” but still be yourself and have men lining up around the block for you, this should be your bible. The movie doesn’t compare either, so don’t go by that. My mom made me read this when I was like 17 and I’ve decided it’s in her top 10 best parenting choices.

What are you currently reading? Share in the comments below, I love a good book!


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  • Reply
    Cecile Leigh
    03/25/2015 at 9:38 am

    Love your book selection I will defenietly read some of them!
    I would recommand a few books I really liked:
    – Betteny Frankel – A place of yes (really inspirational autobiography – one word stay positive)
    – Sherry Argov – Why Men Love Bitches (First relationship book I red and I totally loved it – great advice)
    – Zhu Xiao-Mei – The Secret Piano (this book change my whole perception of life, what this women went through is horrendous but she was able to survive and manage to build a great pianist career worldwide)
    – Karren Brady – Strong woman (what a business girl she is, very inspirational to push yourself further)


    • Reply
      03/26/2015 at 7:03 am

      Thanks doll! I have read Bethenny’s book and loved it, I was actually going to add it to the list! The others I will have to check out. I’m still battling my way through the investment info. from Tony Robbins in his new book, it’s SO interesting. Thanks for reading! xx

  • Reply
    02/22/2022 at 11:19 pm

    I’m reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s a literal how-to DIY book that teaches how to break bad habits and create new good ones. I am loving it. It has made me accountable, dependable, disciplined and organized, and I’m only half-way through it. Highly recommend 👍

    • Reply
      06/22/2022 at 12:08 pm

      I love that Vickie! I’ll check it out.

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