5 Tips for Keeping Your Relationship Strong

keeping your relationship strongRelationships have not always been my forte as I’ve had more failures than successes. Of course I now see how these failures were actually a blessing because I’m now with the man I manifested and I wouldn’t change a thing… except maybe his cleanliness.

Our 2 year anniversary was yesterday, (how crazy?!), and since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner it’s only appropriate I blog about keeping your relationship strong and full of love.

speak each other’s love language

One of the best relationship books I’ve ever read was Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages. It is a total game changer, even for people who have “been through it all”.

Everyone has a love language which is a way he/she communicates love. There’s Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Physical Touch, and Quality Time. It is your job to find what the other person’s love language is and speak it.

You can find your partner’s love language by seeing how he/she acts toward you. Does your boyfriend tell you how beautiful you are all the time? (Words of Affirmation) Does your girlfriend like to go on date night? (Quality Time) Does your boyfriend cook and clean for you? (Acts of Service)

listen & don’t blame

How many times have you heard “listen to your partner” before? A ton, right? Well listening is key especially in today’s society when our attention spans are short and we’re so focused on what we’re going to say.

When you don’t listen you don’t give the other person a chance and you tend to blame him/her for the issue, (which plays a huge part in keeping your relationship strong). Well, it always takes two to tango so instead of using phrases like “You did this!” or “You made me late!” say “I feel this could have been avoided if we were on time” or “My feelings are really hurt and I feel betrayed”. You’re more likely to get a more positive response using the latter.

make quality time for one another

Even if your love language isn’t Quality Time, it is always good to incorporate it into your relationship. This is how you bond, grow, and experience life together. Put the phones down, turn off the laptop, (sorry Patricio), and be present for one another.

keeping your relationship strong

trust your partner

It amazes me how many couples won’t give the other person his/her phone passcode or Facebook account info.

If you have nothing to hide you hide nothing.

I totally get if you’re in a new relationship or you’re on the verge of breaking up, but if you claim to be in a “healthy, loving relationship” then cut the codes!

You should trust the person you’re with enough to share social media passwords with, if it comes up. I’m not saying you need to know every single password in your boyfriend’s life, but if you need to use his/her phone for some reason there should be no hesitation from the person giving it to you.

It’s a hard concept to grasp and not everyone will agree with me, but think about it. What do you have to hide?

express gratitude often

Every man and woman wants to know they are appreciated. How awful would it be to go through your whole life without your partner expressing how grateful she is for you?

Tell him you love him. Tell her she does a great job. Say how much he means to you. Show her what a great person she is. Those things add up and I promise it’s worth it.

What are YOUR tips for keeping your relationship strong? Tell me below. 


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