How to | Be Spiritual & Stylish

how to be stylish and spiritualI’ve found it pretty challenging trying to incorporate spirituality into an industry that is known for its superficial and shallow mentality. Honestly, I despise the fact that bloggers, stylists, and designers aren’t more respected outside the industry.

Having style and making a career out of it takes work and it’s hard not to get caught up in all the glitz and glamour and be pegged as “materialistic”, (another term I hate, let’s face it, we ALL like nice things and that doesn’t make us bad people). So how does one stay sane in an insanely fast paced environment based on the acquisition of things?

Have an attitude of gratitude

I’ve talked about gratitude so much only because it’s so crucial to your success in life. I know every time I get a delivery of stylish goodies I am so grateful I can afford to buy them. Aimee Song is notorious for her attitude of gratitude. The more grateful you are for what you already have, the more abundant you will become.

Don’t compare, compliment

It’s so easy to compare yourself to others doing better and looking better with all the social media outlets. So instead of comparing try complimenting. How good do you feel when someone compliments you, especially on your appearance? We’re all wired with insecurities, so complimenting one another definitely lessens the negative self-talk. I try to compliment someone on their appearance at least once a day and you should, too!

Use your clothing as a form of expression

How crazy is it knowing that women in Saudi Arabia have NO control over what they wear?! They can’t even show their hands in public! And get this, women in Sudan and North Korea aren’t allowed to wear pants!

As a woman, fashion can actually be the death of you in some places. These women have little to no rights and they’re held captive literally and creatively. Can you imagine?! I certainly can’t, which is why I utilize fashion/blogging as a guilt-free form of self-expression.

Shop smarter, not harder

This is a biggy! I once read about some princess from Saudi Arabia who would spend a minimum of $100,000 per shopping trip. How crazy is that?! This woman literally had storage units stacked with brand new, high-end, name brand stuff! She shopped so hard and so fast her bank account couldn’t keep up and eventually the government gained control over all her assets.

Some people simply go shopping to acquire more and more seeking happiness. You and I both know that’ll never work. Happiness comes from the inside not outside.

So, my rule of thumb for staying sane and stylish is instead of trying to “keep up” with the latest and greatest trends, shop for classic pieces that are true to you and your unique style and that can be worn with at least 3 things you already have. The 80/20 rule is so important here: 80% of the time you wear 20% of your clothes. In all honesty, I live in my Lululemon pants and a tank or loose T.

how to be stylish and spiritualMeditate on happiness & success

Every morning I give thanks to the Uni-verse for another day and pray for happiness and success with whatever I’m currently seeking. This sets the tone for how my day is going to go. For the most part, my morning flows with ease. And yes, you can totally meditate on getting that new Chloe bag and I wouldn’t be surprised if it came true!

How do you stay spiritual and stylish?




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