Not Another Blonde takes The Bombshell Body Guide

the skinny confidential bombshell body guideLauryn Evarts, (founder of the amazing blog: The Skinny Confidential and author of the Bombshell Body Guide), and I have been in communication for quite some time so naturally I lost it when she invited me to get involved in the Bombshell Body movement. Not only is Lauryn an amazing business woman with some really awesome ideas but she’s one of the few with a genuine caring and compassion for humanity, constantly trying to better others’ lives while striving for improvement in herself. She even gets deep and spiritual which, if you know me, is my favorite pastime. #WCW I could go on and on but I’ll spare you… and her. 

Ok, the guide. The Bombshell Body Guide is a 28-week guide, (yeah… holy crap), that is a total lifestyle change for those who don’t have the means or time to have a personal trainer on deck, but want the same results.

I’ve tried Kayla Itiness’ Bikini Body Guide and while I do love her workouts, I honestly feel like I’m killing myself for 7 minutes doing the same moves which may not seem like a lot, but try doing burpees and jump squats for 7 minutes and you’ll feel the same way.

bombshell body guidebombshell body guide

With Lauryn’s Bombshell Body workouts you kill yourself for just 30 seconds which is A. WAY better and B. gives you the motivation to push yourself harder because you think ‘oh it’s only 30 seconds!’  but again burpees for 30 seconds ain’t easy either! Plus there’s 10 different workouts that target complimentary muscle groups but you’re not bored because you’re always switching it up.

Lauryn’s all about balance whereas I am not, I’m a super extreme or not at all kinda girl. Lauryn’s way is definitely the way to be and because of this she’s included recipes, snacks, drinks, etc. specifically for Bombshell Body members that help you attain and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I’m only on day 1 of week 3 and have noticed major changes in my body and strength.

bombshell body guidebombshell body guideI’m done raving now. If you’re part of the club or want to try it, email me ( or comment below and I’ll help you as much as I can! #teamtightass

Lauryn’s not the only one with a guide, don’t forget to check out my new eGuide: Build Your Own Style Blog.


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