All About Email Lists (How to Make Them & Why You Need Them)

all about email lists

Not many bloggers talk about the true importance of an email list because it sounds boring, they don’t have one, or they don’t want to give their secrets away. But let me tell you that an email list is far from boring. In fact, it is crucial to turning your blog into a business.

Sending emails to your list is like sending a text message to your friends: it’s personal and direct. There is no clearer form of communication, which is why it amazes me when bloggers look baffled when I ask them if they have an email list.

Yes, some email blasts can be spammy but if you’re adding value, your email won’t be spammy. Emails can also be very sales-y, but again yours won’t be because I’m going to teach you exactly what to include and what to avoid.

how to make an email list

There are so many ways to make an email list, it all depends on your personal preference. I have my domain’s email synced with my Gmail so any emails that come from my blog are filtered through my Gmail. This helps block out the spam, for the most part, and it also helps keep me organized because I’m checking all my emails in one spot.

The tricky part is when it comes to picking an email service provider (aka the service that will allow you to build lists). There’s Infusion Soft, Mad Mimi, MailChimp, Convert kit, and a laundry list of others. I personally use Mailchimp because it’s easy to use and affordable, (free).

Once you’ve picked your service, you want to start building your list. There should be instructions somewhere within the service that teaches you how to do this. Then you want to have “opt ins” (where people sign up) all over the place – on your blog, on your Facebook page, Instagram, YouTube, etc. That way people won’t miss the chance to sign up for whatever it is you’re offering.

how to know what type of email to send

Determining what types of emails to send and when to send them will make or break the success of your email list. Like I said earlier you want to add as much value as possible that relates to your blog and niche. So for example, if your blog is about food maybe you could send an email each week with a new recipe. If your blog is about fashion you could send an email with the best sales going on or your most recent purchases. When you sign up for my email you get exclusive content and a blog tip of the month. And I make sure I don’t share that info. anywhere else and you should do the same.

Once you’ve composed a super informative email, then you have to decide when you want to send it. Do you want to put out a weekly newsletter, bi-weekly, or monthly? I personally send a monthly email because I don’t want to overwhelm my email subscribers. Once a week can sometimes be too much… but maybe not! It’s really up to you and your readers’ wants and needs.

benefits of an email list

Having an email list is like speaking to an audience who paid to hear you. It takes a lot for people to sign up to an email list. So the ones that take the time to hit “subscribe” are really serious about you and your craft.

I know for me you really have to give me something good before I let you in my inbox. In fact over the years I’ve become so particular with who I give my email to, I’ve unsubscribed from just about every retailer, blogger, and author because I wasn’t getting the value I thought I would when I signed up.

The people on your email list are your best bet for buyers. You can blast your latest blog posts, “solicit” subscribers with your products, or have them take surveys and your email is guaranteed to reach them. However, having people on your email list does not guarantee opens. And in fact, if you’re blasting your latest blog posts, pushing sales, and soliciting your products those are sure ways to get people not to click and unsubscribe from your email list. So you really have to be so careful and you need to put a lot of thought into your emails before you hit send.

Email lists are a great way to open that door of communication too. In every one of my emails, I offer a chance to reply by asking me anything you want, blog related or otherwise. And when you sign up for my email list I’m definitely not going to blow it by promoting all my products and asking you to buy this and that, (but the option is there if you want). Email lists are a place of trust and intimacy, give your readers that much and they’ll become lifelong supporters.

Do you have an email list? If so, how do you get people to sign up?


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  • Reply
    Kherington, The Kierra Quinn
    02/14/2017 at 5:10 pm

    I do have an email list, I have recently started to actually utilize it. I guess my thing is that I don’t want to be too “spammy” and sometimes I struggle with what to include in the email. I like how you said it should be exclusive content that you aren’t posting anywhere else. I will definitely give that a try through some Style Tips.

    • Reply
      02/24/2017 at 9:51 am

      Yes Kherington, exclusivity is key! To avoid the spammy feel try once a month for now then maybe kick it up to once a week. xx

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