How to | Not Ruin Your Future

how to not ruin your futureThe future is something that keeps us sane, yet causes insanity when it doesn’t pan out how we want. I am a huge offender of living in the future, hoping for better days, and consuming my time with day dreaming. I look to the future to save me and I’m sure I’m not alone in this. The thing is, the future won’t save me, it’s what I do in the present moment that will. How I use my time in the present moment will keep me from perpetuating the cycle of reliving my past, which was once a pipe dream of my future.

For quite some time I sat back and let the Universe do her thing with the idea that whatever was supposed to happen would.

When you have high expectations paired with little action, it’s hard for the miracle to occur. There needs to be effort on your end in order to make your seemingly pipe dream of a future come to life.

So rather than sitting and future tripping about what may or may not happen, focus on what is happening right in front of you, every day. You’re alive. You’re breathing. You’re healthy. You sleep in a warm bed. You have access to fresh food and water.

You can create any life you want, but looking to the future won’t do that for you. How to not ruin your future is simple: do something, one thing, every day that will take you one step closer to where you want to be.

how to not ruin your future

I posted this picture on Facebook a few weeks ago which is a gentle reminder that the only time to be concerned with is now.

What can you do to not ruin your future?

Have a great day everyone.


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