Separate Instagram Accounts, Standing Out, & Blog Photos #BLOGWITHBRITT Episode 4

blogwithbritt episode 4And we’re back with episode 4 of #blogwithbritt! I really have to be more consistent with these I’ve just been so slammed (in the best way possible) with NAB Media Group (will do a whole blog post on this) and Bloggers for Bloggers (in the process of doing a video on this). < See what I mean?!

Anyway, a question I get asked pretty frequently is “Should I have separate Instagram accounts for personal and business?” which is interesting because it’s not a question I’ve ever thought of and I explain why in this episode.

I also talk about standing out in a “saturated” market which to be completely honest, isn’t every market saturated? We’re living in a super abundant time and there’s enough to go around for everyone. So while yes you do want to stand out, it’s not a deal breaker if you don’t.

And lastly in this episode of #blogwithbritt I talk about what your first photos should be. Yes, I was surprised by this question too but I love it and went all in. You might be surprised by my answer…

My goal is to post #blogwithbritt weekly and maybe if I keep saying it, it’ll come true. Anyway enjoy guys!

What were your first blog photos? Tell me in the comments below!

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